Mrs. Oldaker’s Teaching Life
October 10, 2022
Q: What do you enjoy most about teaching?
A: My most enjoyable thing about teaching is getting to impact all of the kids’ lives in a positive manner.
Q: What does a typical day look like for you?
A: A typical day is waking up getting myself and my son ready for school, and then once at school making sure my classroom is prepared for all the students that will come through that day.Q: How crazy can the classroom get on most days?
Q: How crazy can the classroom get on most days?
A: Some days a classroom can get crazy with students missing school, or out for extracurricular activities. Students may also have things going on outside of school that you have to handle as well.
Q: What are your responsibilities in middle school?
A: My responsibilities include making sure all students are taken care of and not hurting one another. We also have to ensure that students are learning while at school.
Q: What did you major in?
A: My major for my bachelor’s degree is in Psychology and a minor in Sociology. I am currently still in school obtaining my master’s degree in Human Resources with an emphasis in Clinical Mental Health and Clinical Rehabilitation.
Q: What is the most challenging part of your job?
A: The most challenging part of the job for myself is staying on top of lesson plans, grading, and making sure I’m putting enough into my lessons for the students.
Q: What do you teach?
A: 7th grade Language Arts, 6th grade Social Studies, and 7th grade Geography
Q: Tell me about your experience working as a teacher?
A: This is my second year teaching, and both years have been teaching at Howe. I graduated in 2011 from Howe, and when I got the call last year to teach at Howe I was excited to be back at the school I graduated from. I have truly enjoyed teaching. My coworkers are amazing and help me out whenever I need it. Teaching was never a job that I was interested in. However, I am beyond glad that I accepted the job last year, because this has been the best job I have ever had.
Q: What got you into teaching?
A: I have a lot of teachers in my life. My mother, step-mom, aunt, and great aunt are all teachers. My mother was one of the biggest inspiration in my life. She passed away in 2020 from breast cancer. Which lit the fire under me to change careers to start teaching.
Q: How has teaching impacted your life?
A: From teaching it has allowed me to over come one of my biggest fears in life which is speaking in front of people. This has always been a struggle for me, but isn’t as bad anymore. I feel more comfortable in my role as a teacher.